Saturday, August 16, 2014

My Top 5 Things: It's Missionary Fun!

DUM DUM DUMMMMMMMMM!!! This is the finale installment of my top 5 list and my final blog post as a missionary. Crazy right? 10 months and 61 posts later... Here is my final blog post from Mesa, AZ. Well... What is the grand topic and the #1 thing I have learned on my mission? Drum roll please....


Yes. I mean it. I used to think missionary work was really hard and only was real if you invited someone to meet with the missionaries! This is FALSE. Missionary work is something we all can do. 
In just a few days, I will be a member missionary instead of a full-time one. I have figured out 3 simple tips to help myself and others continue or begin to do missionary work. So buckle up and take some notes! You ready? Trust me, these are so simple I have seen children do them. You can too! Let's think of someone you have been wanting to invite to learn more. Got the person? Whomever he or she may be, a friend, family member, co-worker, the mail lady, arch nemesis, whomever. Okay, think how you can apply these tips and extend that invitation.

1) Love their guts! You need to love someone before they will understand why you are inviting them to know more. This one may not work with an arch nemesis, but you should learn to love them anyways. If you show love and sincerity, there is very little chance someone will get offended as the fear of so many is. Whomever you are inviting will see that you want to bless their life or at least try to help them. Serve 'em, love 'em, and be a friend. 

2) Pray for Chances To Invite. Prayer is key. Always be praying and asking your Heavenly Father He will guide you and help you know whom and how to invite. As you pray and seek opportunities to invite, the Holy Ghost will prompt you and you will know how to invite others to come unto Christ.

3) The Simpler The Invite The Better. First time inviter? Well, keep it simple to begin. There are so many ways to invite people. You don't have to start by inviting someone to meet with the missionaries (unless you feel promised to, of course). There are ward functions, visitor's centers, Young Men's and Young Women's activities, Special Events (Temple Open Houses, Cultural Celebrations etc.), Family Home Evening, Baptisms, Add the missionaries on  etc. Don't be afraid to invite to these things. You can invite someone easier if it is simple and specific.

Most important thing is to NEVER GIVE UP! If someone says no, continue the friendships. A no isn't the end of the world. Success comes in inviting. The more you invite the easier it is to. Don't fret over a no, the Lord is pleased with you for just inviting. 

So get out there and get inviting! You will be blessed and get to bless the lives of so many. Remember, "It's not missionary work, it's missionary fun!" (Elder Neil L. Anderson)

I want you all to know that I love being a missionary. This has been the great experience for my life. I have loved serving the people in Mesa and Globe, AZ. This place will always be a special place to me. You have helped me become the young women I am today so I thank you. This is the true gospel of Jesus Christ restored to the earth today. A 14 year old boy with a question did have a vision of God the Father and Jesus Christ and it was through him the church of Jesus Christ was restored. Christ is our Savior and died for us, but because He lives we do too. I know this is true and I pray you will seek it out in your heart for yourself if you do not have a testimony of this. Experiment. Ask your Father in Heaven. Don't take my word for it. I know it will change your life for the better. 

I love you all!
For the last time as a missionary, (but not the last time ever)
Sister Mackenzie Esmond

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

My Top 5 Things: In All Things

Hello! Welcome back! It's been a few days... Last time, my installment to this list was about catching lemons. Don't remember or missed it? Click here! Anyways, you ready for my #2 top thing I've learned? I am!


There is an art I have learned on my mission. This is sometimes referred to as bridging. Bridging is when you connect something from everyday life into the gospel. This is how I have extended my knowledge of the gospel, is connecting it with things that make sense to me.

Over the course of my mission, I have used cars, ice cream trucks, flowers, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Finding Nemo, and many others. I have learned those fun little movie quotes I grew up saying and hearing are things that have testified to me gospel truth. Good prevails over evil, ligh over darkness, Christ over the adversary. It's a beautiful things to know that all things testify of my Savior.

I love making these connections because it proves to me that we really do learn of our Savior in all we do. I particularly remember the day I connected many details of Harry Potter to truths of the gospel and they began to make sense to me. How love conquers all, because love is what drove Christ to sacrifice himself as an offerring for our sins. I remember thinking about the Mirror of Erised, a mirror that shows the desires of our hearts, and thinking what would it show for me? Would it show me living with my family forever in the presence of God? Also the tale fo the Deathly Hallows and how pride was the downfall of two of the brothers and they both tragically met their end by wanting more power, but one asked for something more humble, not to over take the power of the world, but to help himself stay out of the path of evil. It reminds me of the gospel and how we have the gospel and the guidance of the scriptures and prophets, both modern and of old to help us through our lives. There were many more, but this will suffice for now.

Are you trying to increase your gospel knowledge? Start trying to find ways and little connections of the things you understand to the gospel. If they are something good, they will manifest themselves to you. I know this for certain!

Well... Next one will be the last installment of this list. So for the last time this is...


I love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond

Saturday, August 9, 2014

My Top 5 Things: Catching Lemons

So far, I've told you the Top 5 and Top 4 things I have learned on my mission. Let's review...

Number 5! Some of the coolest people in the scriptures aren't talked about enough... So read your scriptures and discover them for yourself.

Number 4! The best thing we can do is to make sure we are listening to the spirit so that we can be instruments in the hand of our Father in Heaven.

Now onto number 3!!!!


So over there is life throwing lemons at you... Seems mean of Life, doesn't it? Well, I have learned so much about how these Lemons are a lot smaller than us and we are completely capable of overcoming them. Even when life is pelting them at us, yes, we may get a couple bruises. Lemons aren't going to kill us though.

What are thses "lemons" I speak of? Trials in our lives that seem to keep coming and don't stop. I look back at my mission and see times when I felt pelted and bruised by the lemons that I was being thrown. It's not fun. When I was companions with Sister Remington though... I began to see these lemons differently.

Okay, Sister Remington and I had the worst luck ever. Horrible. Seriously, between food poisoning, the flu, being put on bike in 110 degree weather, popped bike tires, broken bike seats, losing things that "got up and danced away", and many other mishaps, we had the worst luck. But among all of that... We never stopped laughing. Each new challenge was faced with vigor and knowing it was "just our luck." Those 3 months could have been miserable, easily. We could have just had the worst time. But what did Sister Remington and I do? We chose to catch the lemons, laugh, and face these all head on. We choose happiness.

Yes, being happy is a choice. Often times we think that it is something that happens when we have enough money or someone is being nice or life is going well. Truth be told, we can be happy in the midst of all our trials. It is our choice.

How do we choose happiness? We choose it by knowing that we have a Savior, Jesus Christ, who has sufferred through our trials already. We choose it by turning to Him instead of looking within ourselves to solve our problems. We choose it through knowing that "It's all going to be alright in the end. If it's not alright, it's not the end." (Jeffery R. Holland) We can "with surety hope for a better world" (Ether 12:4).

I promise that no matter how many times your tires pop or you get sick or the world just seems like it is going to explode, you can still be happy. Catch those lemons and laugh, because with your Savior, you can conquer all!

Until Next Time!


I love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond

Thursday, August 7, 2014

My Top 5 Things: Being Instruments

Last Time we talked about Scriptures heroes... You ready for number 4????? Here it comes!


Okay, do you ever get the thought to call someone, text someone, or to do something kind? Do you ever feel as if you were in a certain place at a certain time to help someone? Or someone was placed in your path to answer your prayers?

I can't even tell you how many times I knew I was in an area for a reason, I have been assigned a certain companion for a reason, or have had certain leaders for a reason. All of these where both to do something Heavenly Father needed me to or I was somewhere because I needed to learn something from the area, companion, or leader. Does that make sense?

We can be led by promptings from the Spirit, the Holy Ghost, who influences us to do good and to do God's will. When we heed  His promptings we can become instruments in the hands of the Lord. Who wouldn't want to do that? Know that God is using us to help others to strengthen their faith?

I think back at my mission and the times I see when God used me, but more distinctly, when God used another to answer my prayers. This happened through a letter, a role play in a meeting, a simple phone call to see how we were doing, or even just taking an opportunity to get me to laugh. This is a blessing I will never forget.

Being an instrument in the hands of the Lord is a marvelous feeling because we get to help Him manifest His love for His children and in tur, we get to see them as He does. We get to be filled with His love.

So my challenge to you is to seek out opportunities to be Instruments in the Hands of the Lord. You will be blessed and will bless the lives of others! I know this, because I have bene on both ends. It's the greatest feeling in the world!!

And, once more, this list is...


I love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

My Top 5 Things: Scripture Heroes

This is post one of a series of 5 posts I wanted to do about the Top 5 things I learned on my mission as my mission is winding down. So here we go!!!

Number 5 is....


Okay, we all have our scripture heroes, there are classic ones such as Adam, Noah, Esther, Moses, Nephi, Captain Moroni, Helaman... These are ones we talk about a lot and learn about all the time. Well, I have learned there are many people we don't focus on very much that are there, but we barely speak of. How did I come to this conclusion?

I decided to read the Old Testament earlier in my mission. My goal was to finish by the time I got home, but let's just say... That isn't going to happen. Why? I got stuck. No, not because I didn't know what was going on, but because I started reading about Joshua. I had always heard about the Battle of Jericho, which is an amazing story with so much symbolism in our lives today as we are having to bring down the walls of sin and temptation around us to defeat the adversary. I never knew other accomplishments he had though.

  • Joshua parted the Jordan River and left 12 stones to commemorate it.
  • Joshua destroyed many cities and delivered the children of Israel to the Promised land.
  • Joshua had the faith to make the sun and moon stand still so that they could win their battle.
  • Joshua was constantly told to fear not, to be strong and of a good courage, but he never let any amount of fear stand in his way from accomplishing what the Lord commanded him. 
  • Most of all, Joshua always turned to the Lord no matter what and followed every prompting with exactness.

Joshua is my hero. I know he isn't perfect. He definitely had to learn to handle fears and trials. He had to deal with a lot, but he did what he was asked and thanked and turned to the Lord in all things. He was humble and a great example. I want to be like him and follow the example of Joshua so that I can win the battles I am sent forth to fight here in this life by turning to my Savior and my Father in Heaven in all things.

I know that the scriptures can open our eyes to all the things of the Lord and we can read and learn from the people within their pages.

Now what else do I have for your... This list is....


I love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Keep Moving Forward

Are you feeling stuck in your life? Confined by your weaknesses? Like you will never be able to escape?

Many are in the same boat, we all feel like we are stuck at one time or another. It's easy to and it is one of the most effective tools of the adversary, making us feel like we are never going to be good enough. He wants us to feel stick, like we can't grow anymore or progress because our weaknesses are just too great. He wants us to feel like if we are one way, we can never evolve as a person and improve.

Can I just tell you how big of a lie this is?

This is something I know I have felt in my life, like I will never improve or be better because of certain weaknesses. These are our walls. These are things we have to bring down, climb over, or destroy to be able to overcome. Sometiems these walls are tall, thick, and strong, others don't take too much effort. Each wall represents a weakness or roadblock we have. The stronger the wall is, the longer you have let that weakness define who you are. You have confined yourself and don't feel as if you can ever destroy the walls around who you really are.

Well, you can. I promise this because it has happened to me.

Weaknesses are looked down upon by the world. No, they aren't fun, good, or anything of the sort, but they help us grow and become stronger. If we never had to overcome weaknesses, would we ever grow. NO! We would be stuck.

How do we do this? Well, we come unto Christ with our weakness and humbly seek His guidance and seek fro imporvement. We don't beat ourselves to a pulp, or beat others, because of weaknesses they have. We work together and "Keep Moving Forward" to improve. We celebrate success, no matter how small and look at our weaknesses as a chance to gain a new strength. We don't look back at mistakes, other than to learn from them. We stop living in the past and look ahead.

We need to define ourself by our triumphs, not trials. When we do this, we are way happier and just feel so much better about ourselves. Keep writing your story. I know that as you do this, you will find joy, happiness, and optimism even if the world is falling apart around you, because you will know the personal growth you are making.

Rely on your Savior, He is your #1 Fan. He will cheer you on as you turn your life towards Him and strive to improve and live His gospel more fully. There will be great joy when you see Him again, because you will do you did your best, and He made up the rest. I know this to be true.

I love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Granite vs. Sandstone

There has been something on my mind lately that has been driving me crazy. What is it? It is a plague that was not very common and quite mocked before I came out, but now it is acceptable. 17 months later, and a social, worldy plague is sweeping us. What is it?


I see people posting selfies constantly that are obvious grabs for attention. There are 2 different kinds of attention though, and we often forget this.

Selfies are often posted in hopes that someone will compliment you for an outfit, how attractive you are, and how jealous they are that you look like that. This isn't good attention. This is building your self-esteem at such a superficial level that it will crumble inevitably one day. Building your self-esteem off your looks and not who you are is probably the worst idea ever. This is a foundation set to crumble.

So how do you build self-esteem that will withstand the world's put downs, insults, and disgusting jabs? The answer is in the Book of Mormon in Helaman 5:12:

"And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall."

Taking this council as well as what we are told in Romans 8:16 where it states, "The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:", we know that this is the solid foundation and where we need to start. We need to know we are Children of a loving Heavenly Father who let's us have trials but never leaves us alone, but wants us to grow. We build on this knowledge and out self-esteem will be built on a foundation that will take upkeep, but will not crumble.

It's like building on Granite instead of Sandstone. The sandstone will disinigrate easily and the granite will not.

I know that as we stop seeking the world's attention in such a negative way and seek the approal of God, we will be happier and more secure with who we are because we will know who we are. Stop with the Selfies for attention and look through the eyes of Him that matters most.

I love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Least Creative Post Ever

I am just going to say it... This Sister has run out of ideas. Poof. My creativity is dying. Soooo... This is going to be the least creative post I ever write.

I simply want to tell you I know that I am part of a work so great that has made me so much more than I could have become on my own. I love doing this.

This? What is this I speak of? I love sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, the fulness of the Gospel, with those around me. I love inviting others to take part of this peace I have found. I love having this in my life. I love being able to declare this to people around me, especially here in Mesa, AZ.

I simply want to tell you Christ Lives. That it is through Him we can find comfort, relief from guilt and shame, and know what way we should go.

I simply want to say I know that the authority from God to act in His name, the Priesthood, has been restored to the Earth.

I simply want to say that, just as in times of old, there is a prophet on the earth who communicates directly with God and his name is Thomas S. Monson.

I simply want to say that I know God has a plan for us that provides a way for us to find eternal happiness and live in our families forever.

I simply want to say I know that this is truth. I have felt it and you can to. Take these things, ponder thme in your heart, and have faith and know you will get your answer. You can know too.

I simply want to challenge you to do so. No flashiness, no crazy metaphors, no references, I just want you to think about my simple, uncreative, but sincere testimony and find out for yourself that this is true.

I love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond

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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

What Destroyed Voldemort

I am a die hard Harry Potter Fan. Have been for years! Those books have helped me to understand so many things. Particularly, the power of love. Think about Lord Voldemort. Darkness and hatred consumes him, but Harry's mother's selfless, love-filled sacrifice is what prevents Voldemort from being able to destroy Harry as an infant. In the end, it is this hatred that drive him to madness and results in his ultimate death and defeat. Harry sacrifices himself to defeat Voldemort so that the ones he loves will live. Voldemort stood no chance.

Love is now a word thrown around like it means nothing, like it isn't important. Love is "unnatural" (Face the Future with Faith & Hope, Ensign. Jan 2014). All things attached to love such as honesty, integrity, gentleness, humility, are looked down on. The world has grown cold. Love has become a physical expression, nothing emotional. Love is so much more and we have lost sight of it. This is all something that is making the world a darker, les optimistic, less faith-filled, more wicked place. When love is lost from the hearts of man, the Spirit can't work on us as much.

What happened to love? The master of darkness hates it. If we love, we  are acting as examples of Jesus Christ. The adversary doesn't not like it. He cannot love.

This is where this world is getting to if we don't change ourselves. We need to learn to love. Love is serving those around us, praying for the ability to see others as they become. Love is coming home to fresh baked cookies after a long day. Love is unconditional.

Look at ways you can love more in your life. I promise that as you do, you will be happier and find more peace and comfort knowing that you love and are loved by the being who loves all unconditional, Heavenly Father. You will know that Jesus Christ loves you so much He sacrificed himself for you.

What happened to love? Well, wherever it went, let's bring it back. Let's not become as cold as Voldemort, let's learn to love like our Savior. Be so filled with it that it moves us to help every person we come in contact with.

I love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Called To Serve

"Called to serve Him Heavenly King of Glory. Chosen, e'er to labor in His name." These words are familiar to the 83,000 missionaries serving around the world, laboring as representatives of Jesus Christ under the organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Many wonder why would leave our families, friends, drop schooling, and go to serve. I could give you my reasons, but you are probably sick of hearing from me. I decided to ask some return missionaries I know why they served.

"I served because I love my Heavenly Father and I know that he loves me. I wanted to give back to Him just a small portion of what He has provided for me. Though lookin back, a year and a half is not enough. He continued to give to me as a missionary even when I was giving him all that I have and am."
-Jennifer Sacher, Arizona Mesa Mission

"There were many reasons I chose to serve a mission.  I think the main reason I chose to serve is because it was expected of me.  I used to feel guilty about that, thinking it was bad.  But there's nothing wrong with being obedient. However, before the mission, I also had a wonderful experience where one of my friends met with the missionaries in my home and ended up getting baptized.  It was a neat opportunity to be with the missionaries and to get a glimpse of what missionary life could be like.  That fueled my desire to serve and help others."
-Brian Clayton, Oregon Portland Mission

"I chose to serve The Lord as a full time missionary out of love. I had seen the love we receive from the Gospel of Jesus Christ and wanted to share that with everyone. As a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints I did nothing but serve all I came in contact with in Riverside, California."
-Jesi Payne, California Riverside Mission

"I remember when I was seventeen in high school,  looking at my life perplexed at why I was happy, looking at some friends who has struggled with decisions that had made.  I realized that it as due to the simple fact of me knoWing who I was,  and what that really meant.  The real knowledge that I was in fact a son of god directly affected the choices I made. I knew that if I could help others realize this,  their lives would change immensely for the better."
-Evan Long, Madagascar Mission

"When I got my Patriartical blessing at 14 it talked about a mission. It led me to make a decision pretty early on that I was going to serve. I wanted others to know that there was a plan for them. I wanted to share that! Selfishly I also wanted to better myself and immerse myself in the gospel. I figured there really wasn't a better way than to serve my Heavenly Father. One if the pivotal decisions if my life!"
-Liz Hatfield (MY AUNTIE!), Japan Kobe Mission

Last, but not least, my mom!!!

"My decision to go on a mission was a sudden one.  There's more to the story, but I don't share that part with many people, so I won't share it here.  I will say that I was at BYU and I was already 21 1/2 years old and NO plans to go on a mission.  I was dating a guy that I really thought I was going to marry.  We had been dating for over a year.  However, Heavenly Father intervened and I had this strong and sudden impression that I was to serve a mission.  Because it came out-of-the-blue, I really had to pray about it.  It took me about a week of "wrestling" and then my decision was made.  That was in February and I was in the MTC in mid-July.  My mission wasn't easy and I truly had my struggles, but I wouldn't change it for the world."
-Jennifer Esmond, South Korea Seoul Mission

Now, this is why Mormons decide to serve missions. There is a love of our Savior and our fellowman. We aren't out to hurt you or anything. We serve, or at least I know I serve, because I love my brothers and sisters which includes every single person in the world and want them to have the peace and love I do.

So next time missioanries stop you on the street or knock on your door, maybe you should listen with an open heart and mind to what they have to say. They want to help you find true, everlasting, eternal happiness. They are only trying to bring you something that makes them happy so you can be happy too, not just in this life, but in the eternity left to come.

I really do love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Plug In, Tune Out

How many times do we have a bad day, do we have a day where hurt fills our hearts, and plug in our headphones, and tune out the world to the sound of music, a favorite movie or TV show? I know I am guilty of this. So many times I would be going through a hard time and dcide that drowning it out with the sound of a Taylor Swift song would be the best way to cope with it. I can't tell you how many times I listened to Mean, Teardrops on My Guitar, Tim McGraw, Invisible, White Horse, just because I didn't feel like facing the problem itself. Or the countless hours wasted getting lost in episodes of Doctor Who because I just didn't want to face reality.

As missionary, these coping methods are gone. We have to learn how to got hrough hard things without flase comforters and also realize how false the comfort felt by music and TV and things of the world. It is false comfort that Satan gives us to make us think we don't need help to overcome struggles or challenges or hurt. Truth be told, you will be able to forget for awhile, but it is only through the Atonement of Jesus Christ that things things are truly possible to be healed from.

How do we access this? 3 easy things we can do to find peace and healing through our Savior.

1) Attend Church. At Church, we learn more and mroe about our Savior. We feel of His spirit and can seek out revelation to help us with whatever we are going through.

2)Pray. Prayer is the greatest defense from the ways of the devil because we can do it anytime, anywhere, without limitations on how much.

3) Read the Scriptures. I heard a quote that sums this one up the best. "When we carry the scriptures, the devil gets a headache. When we open the scriptures, the devil collapses. When we read the scriptures, the devil faints. When we live the scriptures, the devil flees." The scriptures have that sort of power.

So let's not plug in to the ways of the world. Let's plug into the spirit and tune out the ways of the world and find healing and peace through the power of the atonement of Jesus Christ. Let's use these tools to overcome whatever is standing in our way on our path home to eternal happiness with our Father in Heaven.

I know that this can and will work, you have to act in faith and know that you are not alone. The nails in His hands are for you. He didn't suffer that and then expect you to walk alone. I know this. I've felt it everyday I've let myself. Plug into the Atonement and Tune out the hurt and pain you feel now. It will last longer, it will last as long as you let it. It can last for eternity.

Plug in, Tune out to the sound and feelings of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I love you all!
Sister Esmond

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Building RealtionSHIPS that Endure

I may not know a lot about building strong relationships, but today during my studies I had my eyes opened. I was reading in the Book of Mormon in 1 Nephi 17 where Nephi is commanded to build a ship. There were certain things that stood out to me about this situation that hadn't before. I learned a lot about how to build a strong relationsSHIP with those around us that can carry us over oceans a turmultous seas to make it to the promised land, eternal happiness with our Father in Heaven.

SHIPS need to start with an individual faith in Jesus Christ.
Nephi had a relationship with the Lord and was commanded to build a ship to carry his family to the promised land. We first need to have a knowledge and faith individually of our Savior. The ship was not built until the whole family was on board and knew it was a commandment. This is just like our own realtionships. We need to have a individual knowledge and then come together.

SHIPS need to be built upon obedience to the Lord's Commandments
Okay, they got around to building the ships and "worked the timbers in a curious workmanship". This is referring to the fact that a ship like they were building probably hadn't been made before. We need to be obedient, ever if it seems odd, to every commandment. This will help us to build strong relationships upon the eternal principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, not the ever-changing principles taught by the world. This includes being faithful, loving God, and serving one another.

SHIPS need to be built in times of peace to be able to endure times of trials.
Yes, trials bring us closer together. But the Lord didn't ask Nephi and his family to build a ship in times of trials. They were in a land they called "Bountiful", which is to say they were not at want for much. They built the ship, strengthened it, worked together, and only then was it able to carry them to where the needed to go. Building and fortifying our relationships in times of peace will help us to endure times of trials. If we only build these realtionships during trials, then we will be setting ourselves up for failure. We have to strengthen, fortify, and live to make sure that our relationships are ready for anything and have the ability to endure.

These principles seem simple, but I have never been so struck by this story before. I encourage you to read it and see what principles you can apply to strengthen your own relationships. I know that when true gospel principles are applied, you can build, strengthen and fortify all relationships in your life, especially the one with your Father in Heaven and with your Savior, Jesus Christ. You, just as Nephi and his family, will build a ship that can carry your through all the trials and tribulations you may face to be able to reach the promised land of eternal happiness where these relationships can go on forever.
I know this to be true!

I love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond 

Saturday, May 31, 2014

What's in a Name?

There is a line much quoted by fans of Shakespeare and just in general. It is from the famous, tragic love story, Romeo and Juliet. Juilet is lamenting that her true love (whom she has just met and has decided he is her true love) is a Montague, the mortal enemay of the Capulets. In her famous balcony monologue, she says:

"What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet." 
(Romeo and Juliet, 2.2.47-48)

Okay, so Juliet doesn't quite understand why a name could be so important (Seeing as she is only 13 and has supposedly found her true love, I am guessing she just hasn't figured out life quite yet...).

A name is important. That is why we make such a big deal when we are naming a child, a dog, a company, a story, a blog post. A name is what sets the tone for what is done next. 

There is a specific name I would like to point out that many do not know. This is the real name of the commonly called "Mormon" or "LDS" church. The name of the church is not either of these. These are nicknames. The real name is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Long, yes. But it is important to understand the real meaning of the name. It denotes something of utmost importance.

When Christ organized His church on the earth during His life, He called it "The Church of Jesus Christ". In 1 Corinthians, Paul calls the people of Corinth to repentance for calling themselves after anyone else but Christ. He says, "Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ. Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul?" (1 Corinthians 1:12-13). What's in a name, Juliet? There is much in a name. A name can be misleading. When something is not called the proper name, others may believe get the wrong impression.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a church that's true name denoted what it is. The first part, The Church of Jesus Christ, helps make it clear we worship the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The second part "Latter-day Saints" helps us know what period of time we are in, namely the last days. In short, the name of Christ's Church in these last days would be after Him and denoting that these are the last days, hence The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. "Saints" means followers.

So while to Juliet, a name wasn't much. To our Father in Heaven and our Savior, a name means a lot. It helps us to truly know we are following Him. He knows because of the name that we are called, we are His disciples. He knows we follow what is said in the Book of Mormon, in 2 Nephi 25:26,

"And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ,
 we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, 
that our children may know to what source 
they may look for a remission of their sins."

Next time you wonder, "What's in a name?", remember that a name is exteremely meaningful to your Father in Heaven.

I love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Stop Saying Sorry

I want you to stop apologizing. Don't apologize anymore. Just stop it. The words "I'm sorry" have lost their true meaning of real and sincere apology for a wrong-doing  and have become word that we insert when someone does not have the same standards as you do. 

Are you one of the people who have the tendecy to apologize for no real reason. To you say sorry because you aren't going to participate in blantantly innappropriate behaivor and don't want anyone to feel bad?

Your obedience to high standards should NEVER make you feel guilty. If it does, than you know it is from the one who is bent on destroying your chance at eternal happiness. Your standards may not conform with the what the world has to say, but do they conform to what God has to say? Then stop apologizing.

I will never again apologize for not taking a drink of alcohol or deciding to remain chaste until marriage. I will never again apologize for keeping the sabbath day holy or fulfilling my callings. I will never again apologize for standing as a witness of God and living the way He has laid out. The words "I'm sorry" will never again leave my mouth for doing what is right. Why? Simple.

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth;..." (Romans 1:16)

Let's all take part and declare this creed to all the world:

I am a part of the "Fellowship of the Unashamed." The die has been cast. The decision has been made. I have stepped over the line. I won't look back, let up, slow down, back away or be still.  My past is redeemed, my present makes sense and my future is secure.  I'm finished and done with low living, sight walking, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed visions, mundane talking, cheap giving and dwarfed goals. I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits or popularity. I don't have to be right, first, tops, recognized, praised, regarded or rewarded. I now live by faith, lean on His presence, love with patience, live by prayer and labor with power. My face is set, my gait is fast, my goal is heaven, my road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions are few, my Guide is reliable and my mission is clear. I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back, deluded or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of adversity, negotiate at the table of the enemy,  ponder at the pool of popularity or meander in the maze of mediocrity.  I won't give up, shut up, let up or slow up until I have stayed up, stored up, prayed up, paid up and spoken up for the cause of Christ. I am a disciple of Jesus. I must go till He comes, give till I drop, preach till all know and work till He stops me. And when He comes for His own, He will have no problem  recognizing me. 
My banner is clear:  I am a part of the "Fellowship of the Unashamed." 

Are you all with me?

I sure hope so. Your Father in Heaven is on our side. "Fight the good fight of faith and lay hold on eternal life." (1 Timothy 6:12)

I love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


When I was 16, I had the greatest birthday party you could have planned. We went roller skating. Yes. It's kind of a favorite of mine... Anyways there was a sign at the rink that, at the age of 16, I found very funny. It said "SKATE AT YOUR OWN RISK". While roller skating isn't the safest activity, there are precautions taken that kept us safe.

We have these warning signs all around us. We take many chances at our own risk. There are things that we have the choice to do that is warned against. Extreme cases are things like drugs, alcohol, premarital sex, pornography... More common cases are those such as the risk we take watching a vulgar movie, using poor language, or laughing/passing on a dirty joke. We have signs for these to "CONTINUE AT YOUR OWN RISK".

We have these signs if we just pay attention. The Holy Ghost warns us about poor decisions before we even make them. We can feel a difference. If we live the commandments, we can more clearly see the CONTINUE AT YOUR OWN RISK  signs. We just have to learn how to recognize them. 
How do we do that?

It all starts with knowing how the Holy Ghost feels to us. It is always good feelings, peace, joy, comfort, happiness. How do we feel without him? Exactly the opposite: sorrow, troubled, and miserable. We recognize what actions help us feel good and what actions make us feel bad.

Then we pay attention to those feelings. When the good feelings start to fade, it is a "CONTINUE AT YOUR OWN RISK" sign. So that is when you need to rethink the choice you are making. 

These sings are not to prevent you from having fun, but they help you have wholesome fun. They are not there to prevent you from being interesting, but to protect you from being interesting in the wrong ways. Most of all, they are there to lead us back to our Father in Heaven and to eternal happiness with those we love. That is what it really means.

So pay attention and CONTINUE AT YOUR OWN RISK with decisions that are contrary to the commandments of your Heavenly Father. Much like having precatuions to prevent any serious roller skating accidents, following what He has laid out will help you find everlasting happiness. 

I love you all!
Sister Esmond

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Fall of King David

Over the last few months I have felt the need to address a topic that is very contrevesial, yes, but extremely critical to understand. Until a conversation with my companion this morning I didn't know how to discuss it, because it can be sensitive. This topic is the destructive trap of pornography.

I want to take you back to the Bible. King David, in particular. He is the most incredible king Isreal ever has. He is righteous and stalwart. David see many miracles in his reign and defeats enemies no one before had been able to. But he has a weakness that leads to his downfall. His weakness is pornography.

Yes. King David's weakness was a weakness many people have now. Bold statement, but it is true. Let me expound more.

He sees Bathsheba bathing on a roof. She is doing nothing wrong. At all. In fact, she isn't even aware of what is going on. 2 Samuel 11:2-3 describes the scene.

"And it came to pass in an eveningtide, that David arose from off his bed, and walked upon the roof of the king’s house: and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself; and the woman was very beautiful to look upon.  And David sent and inquired after the woman. And one said, 
Is not this Bath-sheba, the daughter of Eliam, the wife of Uriah the Hittite?"

David makes a dyre mistake at this moment. He doesn't look away when he sees her on the roof, he keeps looking and "inquires after the woman." This is where his weakness comes into play. He doesn't look away like he knows he should. If David had seen it and looked away, then his reign would have continued in righteousness, but he didn't. 

Pornography is enticing and glamourous. It is evil. If anything is of the devil, pornography is. It tampers with the sacred powers of procreation and makes a mockery of the plan of salvation. It causes more guilt and shame than those that use it care to admit. Mentally, emotionally, and physically pornography is harmful whether the world will admit it or not. (For those of you who would like the facts on the matter, click here)

BUT there is a way that those feelings of guilt and shame can go away. Is it easy? No. Is it meant to be easy? No. If you think it is, than you will fail before you have even begun. It's hard, but is it worth it? YES. 

It is possible. Don't let Satan tell you otherwise
Through repentance and seeking guidance and help, you CAN overcome the harmful effects of pornography addiction. If you have found yourself in this trap, please seek help. If you don't know where to go, please visit LDS Addiction Recovery website. It will help you.

For those of you who do not have a problem with pornography, do not think you are immune. You need to learn from the example of David. he downfall was that he kept looking. Look away. When it comes on the computer, on TV, when you see a magazine in the store or on the street, look away. A simple act of looking away can prevent other problems from happening. Avoid pornography like the plague. Turn of computers, cellphones, TVs or anything that has those images come up. Turn it off, look away, pray, and fill your mind with virtuous thoughts, hymns, memorized scriptures.
There is a light in the darkenss.
Don't give up. Ever.

There is hope and there is a way to build guards against this adversary to the plan of God. There is a way out through the enabling and healing powers of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. There is light in the darkness of Pornography addiction. You just need to find it and let it in. Remember, you are a child of God and can overcome anything with Him on your side because His son, your brother, your Savior, Jesus Christ, has overcome them already for you. You CAN. 

I promise that as you seek help, you will find it. You will find peace and healing and through tthe enabling power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, you will be able to overcome anything.

I love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Beautiful, Talented and Amazing!

Hello. My name is Sister Esmond. I like to write, do theater, and sing. I really like people and love to teach. Most of all, I love to make people laugh and help them be happy.

What do you like to do?

Are there any talents you have developed? I bet you there are. Maybe you are really good at math or science. Maybe you are an artist and can paint, draw, or sculpt beautifully. Are you an opera singer? Do you like to act, dance, play an instrument? Are you athletic? Can you play soccer really well or run fast? 

What are your talents?

Don't tell me you don't have any. I know that you do. It may just be that you have a talent for making people feel better about themselves or have a talent for peacemaking. This is a talent. 

Look inside yourself and find out what your talents are. Your Heavenly Father gave them to you for a reason. You have you specific talents because you are meant to use them to help others to come unto Christ. With your talents, others can see the Savior. You need to develop them, or else you will lose them.

You are talented. Don't ever think you aren't. The one who created you doesn't want you to think that. You are a work of art in and of yourself. You have talents painted in the corners of your soul that you may have not discovered. Take a chance. Go after your dreams. If it doesn't work out, God has something more in mind for you.

I hope you will remember this and go and try something new. You are talented, beautiful, and amazing because you are a Child of God with divine potential.

I love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Keep Going

There are moments in our life where we feel like we are stuck at a crossroads. We are just done with what we are trying to do and about ready to give up. We just want to cry and shut out the world and leave everything behind we have been working for, fighting for, and all that we have loved. We say that those answered prayers were jsut ourself and we can't actually accomplish the things that we desire that we have had spiritual confirmation that we need to do.

You Can.

My experience? Missions are hard. There is nothing glamourous about what we do. Missionaries are rejected every day. We are ridiculed and put down on a regular basis. You can get to a point where you feel lonelier than you ever have. There are even times that we want to give up. Can we? Yes. Should we? Absolutely not.

This struggle has taught me so much. I am grateful for my trials and grateful for the struggles because they have changed my nature and who I am for the better. But I will admit... I have wanted to give up many a time.

The decision to serve was an answer to two years of prayers and seeking out what I needed to do after high school. It was spiritual illumination that came at a perfect time. It is something I knew I needed to do and would not turn back from doing ever. I would not undo all the hurt and rejection, because with that, I have expereinced a new found feeling of pure joy and gratitude for what my Savior did. 

How have I handled this?

In the Provo Missionary Training Center, I was given a quote on day two that has reminded me on multiple occasions that I need to keep going. It is from Elder Jeffery R. Holland. He said:

With any major decision there are cautions and considerations to make, 
but once there has been illumination, beware the temptation to retreat from a good thing. If it was right when you prayed about it and trusted it and lived for it, it is right now. Don’t give up when the pressure mounts. Certainly don’t give in to that being who is bent on the destruction of your happiness. Face your doubts. Master your fears. 
“Cast not away therefore your confidence.” 
Stay the course and see the beauty of life unfold for you.
(Ensign Mar. 2000, Cast Not Therefore Away Your Confindence [emphasis added])

There you have it. Don't give up on what you have prayed for and know to be right. Opposition and trials and trouble will occur, but know that it is preparing you fro something greater. All that happens is for your own good, just as I know my trials and struggles have been for mine. Learn from it and grow from it. A trial is not wasted when you learn something from it.

I promise that as you endure and continue on the path your Father in Heaven intends for you, you will feel of His everlasting love for you and know He is God and He is there. 

I love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Don't Looketh on the Smart....

When I was at Girl's Camp my last year, we had some of the funniest little skits I've ever seen that the Youth Camp Leaders (YCLs) performed. At the time, I was a YCL, but didn't participate in the skits I'm referencing now.

There was a series of 3 skits that were done with the same catch-phrase. The first was someone who couldn't add 2+2 and two other girls were making fun of her. The second was someone who made really gross tarts and again, was made fun of. The last... Well, ask me in person if you want to know. At the end of each of these skits, one of the YCLs would come out and say, "Don't look upon the smart, looketh on the heart!" Or "Don't look upon the tart, looketh on the heart!"

Okay, now here is my question for you. Are you guilty of looking at someone's outward appearance or eccentricities and judging them for it? Do you see someone who is gruff looking and automatically think they must be mean? Do you see a blonde and think she must be dumb (Having been a victim of this...)? Have you seen someone struggle with soemthing that is easy for and thought "they must just be stupid"?

How do you look at others?

2 Sameul 16:7 tells us how Heavenly Father sees each of us. It says,

 "But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart."

How can we do this better? Let's look at people as the Lord does. Let's give our fellowman the benefit of the doubt. Most of all, let's remember that we all have the same loving Heavenly Father who wants us to be happy and loves each of us. That makes every single person you brother or sister whom you have been commended to show love for.

Let's do that. Let's stop judging and stop being mean and horrible to one another and learn to love! Let's look upon the hearts of our brothers and sisters.

I love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond