Friday, November 29, 2013

Letters and Love Notes

Heavenly Father loves you. He loves all of us. He loves us so much that He sends miracles and tender mercies your way. I have such a testimony of this. These tender mercies are kind of like Heavenly Father's love notes to us. They are His way of reminding us that He is aware of us and our situations. He knows what makes us happy and He desires us to be so.

In 2nd Nephi 2:25 (The Book of Mormon) states, "Adam fell that men might be; and men are that they might have joy."

Yes, I am going to talk about being happy again. But more about how we become happy. This is why I want to talk about tender mercies.

A few days ago, I was just having a hard time. I was stuck in a rut and was having a hard time getting out. I just needed an extra boost. Well, I received a letter from one of my best friends that day. It was exactly what I needed to get myself out of the rut. In it, this friend bore their testimony to me. This reminded me why I decided to serve a mission in the first place. I decided to serve because of the love I see that God has for me and each and every one of His children. I decided to serve because every single person deserves to come to a knowledge that they have a loving Heavenly Father.

Now, there are two different points of view I could have taken with this perfectly timed letter. The first is that is was just a coincidence and I got lucky with the timing of the mail. The other, which I know is the truth, is that Heavenly Father was looking out for me that day. He showed me how much He loved me and I so grateful for it. It was His way of telling me He loved me. It was Heavenly Father's love note to me that day. I needed someone else to bear their testimony to me to be reminded why I came out to Arizona in the first place.

Here's the deal: How many times have you been needing something to work and it does, or you need the rain to stop and it does, you need 15 extra minutes and something happens to make this possible, or you need a hug and He sends a warm breeze? How many moments have you needed a friend and someone happens to drop by, text or call you? Have you ever just needed to be reminded that you are appreciated and someone says something that is perfect? This is a common, everyday occurrence if we just look for it. When we seek out the tender mercies of the Lord, He will send more. As we express our gratitude for the blessings He sends us, no matter how small, He will help us to endure to the end! He will give us the strength we need to keep going. Just keep your eyes peeled for these signs. This will help us feel loved, recognized, accepted, and happy.  

I pray each and every one of you will search deeper for the tender mercies in your life!

I love you all!

Sister Mackenzie Esmond

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What I Learned From a Girl With A Frying Pan

I love Disney. I just love the adventures and the stories. My favorite Disney Princess movie is Tangled. I just love Rapunzel. I love how adventurous she is. I love how she knows what she wants and she goes for it. I love that she has a dream. Actually... That is my favorite song in the movie. All of those ruffians and thugs who have quite adorable dreams such as falling in love, being a concert pianist, a florist, an interior designer, etc. Oh... I should mention the ceramic unicorns. That's my personal favorite. But the point I am trying to make is Heavenly Father would not allow us to dream if we could not do it. I am convinced that each person in the world could do what they wanted if you put your mind to it.

Rapunzel's dream is to go and see the floating lights in person. It is something she has wanted her whole 18 years of life. She watches them every year and knows that they are something meaningful. Our dreams have meaning to each of us. Our dreams are something we shouldn't just cast aside because someone says we can't do it. What stands between you and your dreams is you. But, we must realize that in the process of achieving our dreams, we may find ones we never even realized we had.

How do we achieve our dreams?

1. Have a Vision- Look at what you want to do. Look at how it will benefit you and your family and whomever else is in your life. Look at the kind of person it will make you. I know that this is something that can really help us see. Rapunzel's vision was seeing the floating lights in person. She wanted to know what they were. Her vision was to get out of the tower and experience the world. her mother told her she couldn't do it... Then she met Flynn.

2. Set Goals- Goal setting is key. As a missionary we set daily, weekly, monthly, and transfer goals. Elder M. Russel Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said,

 "I am so thoroughly convinced that if we don't set goals in our life and learn how to master the techniques
 of living to reach our goals, we can reach a ripe old age and look back on our life only to see that
 we reached but a small part of our full potential. When one learns to master the principles 
of setting a goal, he will then be able to make a great difference in the results he attains in this life.

Goal setting is everything. What goals should we set? Realistic goals. One's that we can achieve. Now, this doesn't mean you can't achieve great goal. But to get to your vision, you must set goals. First, when Flynn Ryder came into the picture, Rapunzel set a goal to get him to take her to the lights. She knocked him out with a frying pan, tied him up in her hair, and she realized she could get him to take her. Realistic goal. She knew she could achieve it. But she had one last step before.

3. Make Plans- Planning is the root of everything. Plan how you are going to achieve your goals. This is how you will know you are making realistic goals. Can you plan for them? Rapunzel's plan was to bribe Flynn with his satchel. He wanted it, she realized this, and used it to get him to take her to see the lights. She executed her plan quite well and he became her guide.
photo.PNGAs we follow this pattern, we will be able to be like Rapunzel and live our dreams. Maybe in the process we will be like Flynn and discover dreams we never knew we had. We will be able to achieve all that our Father in Heaven wants us to achieve. I can promise you all this!

I love you all!

Sister Mackenzie Esmond

Friday, November 22, 2013

The Forbidden Subject: Modesty

I am going to address a subject that seems to cause a lot of controversy when addressed. This topic is that of Modesty. What is it and why must we be modest?

As someone who has grown up in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I have heard this subject and feel like it has been talked about so much that talking about it is like beating a dead horse. Here has been my issue with the way this is addressed: Women are not objects to be lusted after by men just because we don't dress like Amish people. Okay, so whenever I have had this subject brought up, it is talked about for the men's good not for our good. To me, that wasn't motivation enough to be modest. So I struggled with it at times. I firmly believe that it is a man's responsibility to control his thoughts, just as it is a woman's. Saying that it is hard for a young man to keep his virtue because a young woman wears a skirt that shows her knees is flat out discriminatory. Not just to the women, but men as well. It makes it seem like men have no fault in scenario where they see a woman dressed and allow themselves to continue to look. Yes, immodesty is unavoidable. But it is your choice to continue to gaze upon immodesty or to look away. By saying otherwise, you are dismissing the incredible power of a young man who knows he is a Son of God and knows right from wrong.

You are a Daughter of God! This is why you should
show your respect for yourself as you dress
Okay, young women, why should you be modest? Why does it matter? This is subject is all about you and your divine worth and identity as a Daughter of God. Seriously, do not forget it. When you dress modestly, you are honoring that fact. You are respecting your Father in Heaven. You are showing Him how much you love Him. Our bodies are temples and as we respect them, we are blessed. As we dress modestly, we are able to have a sense of confidence because we aren't worrying about clothing malfunctions or any of that jazz. We just have to remember that we are Daughters of a Heavenly Father who loves us and we love Him and we want to show Him. Do we have to dress frumpy and make sure no one is looking at you for fear that some boy will have a dirty thought? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Be cute, be fun. Dress in a way you feel confident and gorgeous. It's okay to be pretty. It really is. Most importantly, it is okay to feel beautiful. Dress in that way that makes you feel beautiful and makes you show the respect for yourself that you would want others to show you.
 Make people want to come and talk to you so that you can share with them the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Okay, the biggest thing is what is modesty? Modesty is more than just the way you dress. And this is where it applies to both the men and women. We must be modest in our behavior. Carry yourself confidently. Don't slouch. Be happy. Don't let yourself wallow in self-pity. Serve others. Smile. There is nothing more modest and beautiful than a smile. Make others desire to be around you because they know that they will feel God's love and not be pressured into breaking the commandments. Be happy! Be approachable.

I know that modest is important, especially for youth preparing to one day enter the Temple, the House of the Lord and take upon themselves those covenants. Please be modest in action and in dress. Please be an example of the believers. And most of all, remember that by making this choice for you and not because it will help the opposite gender it is going to engrave a testimony of it in your heart that will not fade.

I promise you that you will see a difference in the way you see yourself as you choose to dress and act modestly. You will learn and remember your divine identity. You will influence others for good. You will gain the respect you deserve. Most importantly, you will be blessed by your Father in Heaven and He will be so proud of the choices you are making.

I love you all!

Sister Mackenzie Esmond

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Life is for the Living

You know what is often underestimated? Life in general. This life is a miracle. We are living miracles wrought through the Power of God. Mankind is just a wonder that God has created. This life is just incredible.

Many disagree. Many think this life is torture, that if there really was a God who loved us that He wouldn't let anything bad happen in this world. Here's the thing: Would you know the joy without the sorrow?

Yes, I know I've blogged about this before, but seriously. Would you?

This is something that has been on my mid a lot. I'm coming up on my halfway point in my mission and that is making me really reflect on the work I've had the blessing to be able to do. I look at the beauty I have seen in this world with the way people choose to come unto Christ. The hope that is brought when you have faith in God and His Plan of Happiness. It is all part of our Father in Heaven's way of showing us He truly does love us. Everything denotes this. Be it a beautiful sunset, the breeze through the trees, everything and anything shows us there is a God.

This life is something worth celebrating. Life is for the living, but we need to remember that through obedience to the commandments, we can have more freedom than we would if we didn't do so.

President Jenkins, the President of the Arizona Mesa Mission, compared the commandments of God to a kite. Does a string restrict a kite? No. When we cut or let go of a kite string the kite flies for a short period of time and then crash lands, usually never to be flown again. The commandments are the string and we are the kite. The string keeps the kite flying just like the commandments keep us happy and on the path back to our Heavenly Father. They give us a secure anchor in this crazy world. Keep us out of trouble and really help us stay happy.

But all in all, as we rise up and fly above the world's standards, we see the beauty of life unfold around us.We see the trees and flowers and miracles. I love seeing the all the stars you can see in the country and seeing the city lights. Just beautiful. We hear the songs of the birds and music that is made with laughter. We feel the wind and the sun. We get to taste delicious foods like chocolate, strawberries, and (my favorite) pulled pork! I just love being here on earth and getting to experience the good and the bad because it makes me appreciate what I have and what God has blessed us with. I feel very blessed to be here in the beautiful state of Arizona sharing His gospel. It's an amazing experience and a beautiful part of my life.

I hope you will all take time to just admire the beauty of life around you. Slow down, then stop, and just enjoy. Life is for the living and when we live in the bounds the Lord has set we can live to fullest without worry.

Love you all!

Sister Mackenzie Esmond

Sunday, November 10, 2013

We can become as the Army of Helaman

This week, I have thought a lot about the Youth. We have been playing Sports with all the Youth in Globe-Miami on fridays and I love being around them! Feeling their sweet spirits and knowing that they have so much potential it worries me about all the craziness that is out there. All those who are having to battle through Middle and High school: This is a post directed towards you all.

The Lord has sent you here at this time for a reason. Satan is reeking havoc and you are in the midst of it. No matter where you turn there is evil all around you. There is someone or something trying to drag you down and away from the path that your Father in Heaven has laid out to protect you. Many will say that certain rules and standards just hold you back, such as no alcohol, drugs or pre-marital sex. But really? Do they really prevent you from having fun or do they keep you out of trouble and worry?

Why no drugs or alcohol? First off, they are just bad for you. I do not care what anyone says, drugs and alcohol not only ruin your life but those around you. The things you have the risk of doing under the influence far out way the pleasure factor. Second, while under the influence you lose all inhibition. You have no control of your body or what happens to it. Think about the simple risk that is. How many health problems and worries you have to deal with if something is to happen. This is just one of those things that is glamorized because Satan wants you to makes mistakes. Word of advice: JUST DON'T. You won't regret it. I never have, and I don't regret it one bit.

Why no pre-marital sex? How can you know you really love someone if you don't sleep with them? Honestly, do you want to be in love with someone for their personality or for their body? Personally, I feel like love is misunderstood now a days. It's not something to take for granted. It's something sacred and special. It's something that we should strive to find. Real love, not love based on physical pleasure.N ot only that, but in the Book of Mormon, in the Book of Alma, Chapter 39 that sexual sin is an abomination in the sight of God. Please remember this. Who is more important to please? The World or God? And if someone wants you to falter with this standard, do they really love you for who YOU are? (Read the chapter here!)

Okay, now I'm not just writing this to call the world to repentance, but to tell you as youth the influence you can have on the world. You may think that you can't do anything because you are just one person. But your example of righteousness can bless the lives of many. In the Book of Mormon, there are 2000 young men who are talked about. They are the Stripling Warriors or the Army of Helaman. These young men are about the age of the youth, 12-18ish and make the choice to go out and defend the liberty of their families. In Alma Chapter 53, Verse 20-21, it describes them as

 20 And they were all young men, and they were exceedingly valiant for courage, and also for strength and activity; but behold, this was not all—they were men who were true at all times in whatsoever thing they were entrusted.

 21 Yea, they were men of truth and soberness, for they had been taught to keep the commandments of God and to walk uprightly before him.

These young men fought and defended their people. They fought with valor because they doubted not in the Lord. These young men are perfect examples for the Youth of the world today. Those characteristics mentioned above are characteristics we should strive to develop in ourselves. When each and every young man AND woman strives to be as the Stripling warriors, this world will become full of an Army of Helaman of it's own and the devil will no longer have such a grasp. All youth, parents of youth, youth leaders: Read these chapters about these remarkable heroes and see how you can better become or help the youth become as the Army of Helamen. It is found in Alma Chapters 53-58 and all begins right here. I know that as we develop ourselves and help others to develop as these young men, we will have a generation who is ready to "Fight the good fight of faith and lay hold on eternal life..." (1 Timothy 6:12)

I love you all!

Sister Mackenzie Esmond

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Just Keep Swimming!

Many of us are familiar with the Disney movie Finding Nemo. It's one of my favorites. Nemo, a young clown fish, gets taken and his father Marlin goes on an adventure to find him. As he ventures out he meets another fish named Dory. Dory suffers from a very bad case of short term memory loss and an extremely upbeat and positive attitude. Oh, she can also read. The only hint that the dynamic duo have to find Nemo is a green snorkeling mask that on it, Dory reads (and remembers) "P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney." But tragically, they loose the mask. As they venture down to the deep and dark abyss of the ocean, Dory continually sings "Just keep swimming! Just keep swimming! Swimming swimming swimming swimming!"

Now... While this is an annoying little song, Dory has a point. When we are going into the dark abyss, it's better to just keep swimming. Why wouldn't we just give up? Because really... We can't. When we are going through trials, DUH! It's going to happen! We need to just accept that life isn't going to be easy. We will all have hard times. All that matters isn't WHAT happens but what we MAKE with what is happening.

It is our choice to see the glass half full or half empty. What are you going to choose? Do you want to sit around and wallow in self pity because your life is awful or do you want to say, hey, I can do this! It isn't that bad after all!

The big question is HOW do we keep swimming through our dark abyss? Well... It starts with knowing we are not alone.  Just like Marlin found Dory to join and help him is his quest to get Nemo back, we have our Savior, Jesus Christ, to help us. We CAN do this when we rely on Him.

Another thing... We must choose to be happy! We must choose this. In the Book of Mormon, in 2nd Nephi Chapter 2 Verse 27, it reads, "Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and call things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he
seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself."

Are we going to let the Devil win? I know I don't want to. I want to be happy and find peace in Christ. So I'm going to choose to be happy and not get discouraged. Discouragement weakens faith. Simple as that. It is okay to be disappointed with an outcome. Do you think that Marlin was disappointed that they lost the mask? Of course. But did he get discouraged? Dory didn't let him. Just like Christ won't let us if we have Him on our side in the journey. Discouragement weakens faith. Weakened faith gives Satan more to work with. Let's not do that, okay?

If you are having a hard time with choosing happiness and don't want to keep going. Don't give up! Keep your head held high. Yes, we may have to fight off our sharks and battle a jellyfish forest and deal with a whole lot of crazy, but just keep going. With Christ, we can do all things. Be grateful for everything you do have and don't dwell on the sad. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf in the last General Conference said, "Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith." Take this council. And remember, doubt and fear come from the being who wants us to miserable just like him. Faith and comfort come from a loving Father in Heaven.

I know that this is possible. It takes effort. It takes work. It takes patience with others and ourselves. Seems like a lot to ask, but it will be worth it. I promise you all! It will be worth it!

Friday, November 1, 2013

The Who What When Why and How of the Book of Mormon

Okay. I know a lot of people wonder about the Book of Mormon. Who wrote it? What is it? When was it written? Why do we need it? And how do we know if it is true? My purpose right now is to answer these questions.

Who: Common misconception. Many would tell you Joseph Smith. This is false. The Book of Mormon was written by prophets, men called of God and given the authority to act his name. This authority is called the Priesthood. With this authority, they can receive guidance and revelation for the world. Just like Prophets in Jerusalem and other middle eastern area wrote the books that make up the Bible, The Book of Mormon was written by Prophets in the Americas. Joseph Smith only translated the Book of Mormon.

What: Like the Bible, the Book of Mormon is an ancient record of Scriptures that testify of Jesus Christ. A verse in it states "And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins" (2 Nephi 25:26). This verse sums up what the Book of Mormon is all about. It is another testament of Jesus Christ. Simple as that. It talks all about Him and about what He did for us. It also talks about how after His ressurection, Christ visited "the other sheep which were not of this fold." This refers to His children in the Americas.

When: It was written between 600 B.C.-421 AD.

Why: We have a Bible, why do we need the Book of Mormon? The Book of Mormon supports and completes the Bible. The Bible has been translated so many times and each translation says things a little differently and words are changed, it does mean something different. What the Book of Mormon does is explain the Plain and Simple truths of the Bible in further detail and clarity. It truly does help us understand our Savior better than anything else. 

How: Okay, you know all of this. But how can you know know for yourself if what I'm saying is true? You must read and pray for yourself. Not just halfheartedly pray. Pray with "real intent" (Moroni 10:3). What does this mean? Pray and know that you will act upon whatever answer you receive.

This video is a man who came to know for himself explaining how he came to know. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I wouldn't be here in Arizona if it wasn't. If you want to know for yourself, please feel free to ask me or go here to request a visit. This isn't something I or anyone else can convince you have, you have to experience this yourself. But I know how much this knowledge can bless and improve the quality of anyone's life, no matter how good or bad, because it helps us come unto Christ even further and deepen our faith in Him.

I love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond