I am going to address a subject that seems to cause a lot of controversy when addressed. This topic is that of Modesty. What is it and why must we be modest?
As someone who has grown up in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I have heard this subject and feel like it has been talked about so much that talking about it is like beating a dead horse. Here has been my issue with the way this is addressed: Women are not objects to be lusted after by men just because we don't dress like Amish people. Okay, so whenever I have had this subject brought up, it is talked about for the men's good not for our good. To me, that wasn't motivation enough to be modest. So I struggled with it at times. I firmly believe that it is a man's responsibility to control his thoughts, just as it is a woman's. Saying that it is hard for a young man to keep his virtue because a young woman wears a skirt that shows her knees is flat out discriminatory. Not just to the women, but men as well. It makes it seem like men have no fault in scenario where they see a woman dressed and allow themselves to continue to look. Yes, immodesty is unavoidable. But it is your choice to continue to gaze upon immodesty or to look away. By saying otherwise, you are dismissing the incredible power of a young man who knows he is a Son of God and knows right from wrong.
You are a Daughter of God! This is why you should show your respect for yourself as you dress modestly. |
Okay, young women, why should you be modest? Why does it matter? This is subject is all about you and your divine worth and identity as a Daughter of God. Seriously, do not forget it. When you dress modestly, you are honoring that fact. You are respecting your Father in Heaven. You are showing Him how much you love Him. Our bodies are temples and as we respect them, we are blessed. As we dress modestly, we are able to have a sense of confidence because we aren't worrying about clothing malfunctions or any of that jazz. We just have to remember that we are Daughters of a Heavenly Father who loves us and we love Him and we want to show Him. Do we have to dress frumpy and make sure no one is looking at you for fear that some boy will have a dirty thought? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Be cute, be fun. Dress in a way you feel confident and gorgeous. It's okay to be pretty. It really is. Most importantly, it is okay to feel beautiful. Dress in that way that makes you feel beautiful and makes you show the respect for yourself that you would want others to show you.
Make people want to come and talk to you so that you can share with them the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Okay, the biggest thing is
what is modesty? Modesty is more than just the way you dress. And this is where it applies to both the men and women. We must be modest in our behavior. Carry yourself confidently. Don't slouch. Be happy. Don't let yourself wallow in self-pity. Serve others. Smile. There is nothing more modest and beautiful than a smile. Make others desire to be around you because they know that they will feel God's love and not be pressured into breaking the commandments. Be happy! Be approachable.
I know that modest is important, especially for youth preparing to one day enter the Temple, the House of the Lord and take upon themselves those covenants. Please be modest in action and in dress. Please be an example of the believers. And most of all, remember that by making this choice for you and not because it will help the opposite gender it is going to engrave a testimony of it in your heart that will not fade.
I promise you that you will see a difference in the way you see yourself as you choose to dress and act modestly. You will learn and remember your divine identity. You will influence others for good. You will gain the respect you deserve. Most importantly, you will be blessed by your Father in Heaven and He will be so proud of the choices you are making.
I love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond
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