Tuesday, June 24, 2014

What Destroyed Voldemort

I am a die hard Harry Potter Fan. Have been for years! Those books have helped me to understand so many things. Particularly, the power of love. Think about Lord Voldemort. Darkness and hatred consumes him, but Harry's mother's selfless, love-filled sacrifice is what prevents Voldemort from being able to destroy Harry as an infant. In the end, it is this hatred that drive him to madness and results in his ultimate death and defeat. Harry sacrifices himself to defeat Voldemort so that the ones he loves will live. Voldemort stood no chance.

Love is now a word thrown around like it means nothing, like it isn't important. Love is "unnatural" (Face the Future with Faith & Hope, Ensign. Jan 2014). All things attached to love such as honesty, integrity, gentleness, humility, are looked down on. The world has grown cold. Love has become a physical expression, nothing emotional. Love is so much more and we have lost sight of it. This is all something that is making the world a darker, les optimistic, less faith-filled, more wicked place. When love is lost from the hearts of man, the Spirit can't work on us as much.

What happened to love? The master of darkness hates it. If we love, we  are acting as examples of Jesus Christ. The adversary doesn't not like it. He cannot love.

This is where this world is getting to if we don't change ourselves. We need to learn to love. Love is serving those around us, praying for the ability to see others as they become. Love is coming home to fresh baked cookies after a long day. Love is unconditional.

Look at ways you can love more in your life. I promise that as you do, you will be happier and find more peace and comfort knowing that you love and are loved by the being who loves all unconditional, Heavenly Father. You will know that Jesus Christ loves you so much He sacrificed himself for you.

What happened to love? Well, wherever it went, let's bring it back. Let's not become as cold as Voldemort, let's learn to love like our Savior. Be so filled with it that it moves us to help every person we come in contact with.

I love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Called To Serve

"Called to serve Him Heavenly King of Glory. Chosen, e'er to labor in His name." These words are familiar to the 83,000 missionaries serving around the world, laboring as representatives of Jesus Christ under the organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Many wonder why would leave our families, friends, drop schooling, and go to serve. I could give you my reasons, but you are probably sick of hearing from me. I decided to ask some return missionaries I know why they served.

"I served because I love my Heavenly Father and I know that he loves me. I wanted to give back to Him just a small portion of what He has provided for me. Though lookin back, a year and a half is not enough. He continued to give to me as a missionary even when I was giving him all that I have and am."
-Jennifer Sacher, Arizona Mesa Mission

"There were many reasons I chose to serve a mission.  I think the main reason I chose to serve is because it was expected of me.  I used to feel guilty about that, thinking it was bad.  But there's nothing wrong with being obedient. However, before the mission, I also had a wonderful experience where one of my friends met with the missionaries in my home and ended up getting baptized.  It was a neat opportunity to be with the missionaries and to get a glimpse of what missionary life could be like.  That fueled my desire to serve and help others."
-Brian Clayton, Oregon Portland Mission

"I chose to serve The Lord as a full time missionary out of love. I had seen the love we receive from the Gospel of Jesus Christ and wanted to share that with everyone. As a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints I did nothing but serve all I came in contact with in Riverside, California."
-Jesi Payne, California Riverside Mission

"I remember when I was seventeen in high school,  looking at my life perplexed at why I was happy, looking at some friends who has struggled with decisions that had made.  I realized that it as due to the simple fact of me knoWing who I was,  and what that really meant.  The real knowledge that I was in fact a son of god directly affected the choices I made. I knew that if I could help others realize this,  their lives would change immensely for the better."
-Evan Long, Madagascar Mission

"When I got my Patriartical blessing at 14 it talked about a mission. It led me to make a decision pretty early on that I was going to serve. I wanted others to know that there was a plan for them. I wanted to share that! Selfishly I also wanted to better myself and immerse myself in the gospel. I figured there really wasn't a better way than to serve my Heavenly Father. One if the pivotal decisions if my life!"
-Liz Hatfield (MY AUNTIE!), Japan Kobe Mission

Last, but not least, my mom!!!

"My decision to go on a mission was a sudden one.  There's more to the story, but I don't share that part with many people, so I won't share it here.  I will say that I was at BYU and I was already 21 1/2 years old and NO plans to go on a mission.  I was dating a guy that I really thought I was going to marry.  We had been dating for over a year.  However, Heavenly Father intervened and I had this strong and sudden impression that I was to serve a mission.  Because it came out-of-the-blue, I really had to pray about it.  It took me about a week of "wrestling" and then my decision was made.  That was in February and I was in the MTC in mid-July.  My mission wasn't easy and I truly had my struggles, but I wouldn't change it for the world."
-Jennifer Esmond, South Korea Seoul Mission

Now, this is why Mormons decide to serve missions. There is a love of our Savior and our fellowman. We aren't out to hurt you or anything. We serve, or at least I know I serve, because I love my brothers and sisters which includes every single person in the world and want them to have the peace and love I do.

So next time missioanries stop you on the street or knock on your door, maybe you should listen with an open heart and mind to what they have to say. They want to help you find true, everlasting, eternal happiness. They are only trying to bring you something that makes them happy so you can be happy too, not just in this life, but in the eternity left to come.

I really do love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Plug In, Tune Out

How many times do we have a bad day, do we have a day where hurt fills our hearts, and plug in our headphones, and tune out the world to the sound of music, a favorite movie or TV show? I know I am guilty of this. So many times I would be going through a hard time and dcide that drowning it out with the sound of a Taylor Swift song would be the best way to cope with it. I can't tell you how many times I listened to Mean, Teardrops on My Guitar, Tim McGraw, Invisible, White Horse, just because I didn't feel like facing the problem itself. Or the countless hours wasted getting lost in episodes of Doctor Who because I just didn't want to face reality.

As missionary, these coping methods are gone. We have to learn how to got hrough hard things without flase comforters and also realize how false the comfort felt by music and TV and things of the world. It is false comfort that Satan gives us to make us think we don't need help to overcome struggles or challenges or hurt. Truth be told, you will be able to forget for awhile, but it is only through the Atonement of Jesus Christ that things things are truly possible to be healed from.

How do we access this? 3 easy things we can do to find peace and healing through our Savior.

1) Attend Church. At Church, we learn more and mroe about our Savior. We feel of His spirit and can seek out revelation to help us with whatever we are going through.

2)Pray. Prayer is the greatest defense from the ways of the devil because we can do it anytime, anywhere, without limitations on how much.

3) Read the Scriptures. I heard a quote that sums this one up the best. "When we carry the scriptures, the devil gets a headache. When we open the scriptures, the devil collapses. When we read the scriptures, the devil faints. When we live the scriptures, the devil flees." The scriptures have that sort of power.

So let's not plug in to the ways of the world. Let's plug into the spirit and tune out the ways of the world and find healing and peace through the power of the atonement of Jesus Christ. Let's use these tools to overcome whatever is standing in our way on our path home to eternal happiness with our Father in Heaven.

I know that this can and will work, you have to act in faith and know that you are not alone. The nails in His hands are for you. He didn't suffer that and then expect you to walk alone. I know this. I've felt it everyday I've let myself. Plug into the Atonement and Tune out the hurt and pain you feel now. It will last longer, it will last as long as you let it. It can last for eternity.

Plug in, Tune out to the sound and feelings of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I love you all!
Sister Esmond

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Building RealtionSHIPS that Endure

I may not know a lot about building strong relationships, but today during my studies I had my eyes opened. I was reading in the Book of Mormon in 1 Nephi 17 where Nephi is commanded to build a ship. There were certain things that stood out to me about this situation that hadn't before. I learned a lot about how to build a strong relationsSHIP with those around us that can carry us over oceans a turmultous seas to make it to the promised land, eternal happiness with our Father in Heaven.

SHIPS need to start with an individual faith in Jesus Christ.
Nephi had a relationship with the Lord and was commanded to build a ship to carry his family to the promised land. We first need to have a knowledge and faith individually of our Savior. The ship was not built until the whole family was on board and knew it was a commandment. This is just like our own realtionships. We need to have a individual knowledge and then come together.

SHIPS need to be built upon obedience to the Lord's Commandments
Okay, they got around to building the ships and "worked the timbers in a curious workmanship". This is referring to the fact that a ship like they were building probably hadn't been made before. We need to be obedient, ever if it seems odd, to every commandment. This will help us to build strong relationships upon the eternal principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, not the ever-changing principles taught by the world. This includes being faithful, loving God, and serving one another.

SHIPS need to be built in times of peace to be able to endure times of trials.
Yes, trials bring us closer together. But the Lord didn't ask Nephi and his family to build a ship in times of trials. They were in a land they called "Bountiful", which is to say they were not at want for much. They built the ship, strengthened it, worked together, and only then was it able to carry them to where the needed to go. Building and fortifying our relationships in times of peace will help us to endure times of trials. If we only build these realtionships during trials, then we will be setting ourselves up for failure. We have to strengthen, fortify, and live to make sure that our relationships are ready for anything and have the ability to endure.

These principles seem simple, but I have never been so struck by this story before. I encourage you to read it and see what principles you can apply to strengthen your own relationships. I know that when true gospel principles are applied, you can build, strengthen and fortify all relationships in your life, especially the one with your Father in Heaven and with your Savior, Jesus Christ. You, just as Nephi and his family, will build a ship that can carry your through all the trials and tribulations you may face to be able to reach the promised land of eternal happiness where these relationships can go on forever.
I know this to be true!

I love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond