-Jennifer Sacher, Arizona Mesa Mission
"There were many reasons I chose to serve a mission. I think the main reason I chose to serve is because it was expected of me. I used to feel guilty about that, thinking it was bad. But there's nothing wrong with being obedient. However, before the mission, I also had a wonderful experience where one of my friends met with the missionaries in my home and ended up getting baptized. It was a neat opportunity to be with the missionaries and to get a glimpse of what missionary life could be like. That fueled my desire to serve and help others."
-Brian Clayton, Oregon Portland Mission
"I chose to serve The Lord as a full time missionary out of love. I had seen the love we receive from the Gospel of Jesus Christ and wanted to share that with everyone. As a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints I did nothing but serve all I came in contact with in Riverside, California."
-Jesi Payne, California Riverside Mission

-Evan Long, Madagascar Mission

"When I got my Patriartical blessing at 14 it talked about a mission. It led me to make a decision pretty early on that I was going to serve. I wanted others to know that there was a plan for them. I wanted to share that! Selfishly I also wanted to better myself and immerse myself in the gospel. I figured there really wasn't a better way than to serve my Heavenly Father. One if the pivotal decisions if my life!"
-Liz Hatfield (MY AUNTIE!), Japan Kobe Mission

"My decision to go on a mission was a sudden one. There's more to the story, but I don't share that part with many people, so I won't share it here. I will say that I was at BYU and I was already 21 1/2 years old and NO plans to go on a mission. I was dating a guy that I really thought I was going to marry. We had been dating for over a year. However, Heavenly Father intervened and I had this strong and sudden impression that I was to serve a mission. Because it came out-of-the-blue, I really had to pray about it. It took me about a week of "wrestling" and then my decision was made. That was in February and I was in the MTC in mid-July. My mission wasn't easy and I truly had my struggles, but I wouldn't change it for the world."
-Jennifer Esmond, South Korea Seoul Mission
Now, this is why Mormons decide to serve missions. There is a love of our Savior and our fellowman. We aren't out to hurt you or anything. We serve, or at least I know I serve, because I love my brothers and sisters which includes every single person in the world and want them to have the peace and love I do.
So next time missioanries stop you on the street or knock on your door, maybe you should listen with an open heart and mind to what they have to say. They want to help you find true, everlasting, eternal happiness. They are only trying to bring you something that makes them happy so you can be happy too, not just in this life, but in the eternity left to come.
I really do love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond
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