Thursday, July 24, 2014

Keep Moving Forward

Are you feeling stuck in your life? Confined by your weaknesses? Like you will never be able to escape?

Many are in the same boat, we all feel like we are stuck at one time or another. It's easy to and it is one of the most effective tools of the adversary, making us feel like we are never going to be good enough. He wants us to feel stick, like we can't grow anymore or progress because our weaknesses are just too great. He wants us to feel like if we are one way, we can never evolve as a person and improve.

Can I just tell you how big of a lie this is?

This is something I know I have felt in my life, like I will never improve or be better because of certain weaknesses. These are our walls. These are things we have to bring down, climb over, or destroy to be able to overcome. Sometiems these walls are tall, thick, and strong, others don't take too much effort. Each wall represents a weakness or roadblock we have. The stronger the wall is, the longer you have let that weakness define who you are. You have confined yourself and don't feel as if you can ever destroy the walls around who you really are.

Well, you can. I promise this because it has happened to me.

Weaknesses are looked down upon by the world. No, they aren't fun, good, or anything of the sort, but they help us grow and become stronger. If we never had to overcome weaknesses, would we ever grow. NO! We would be stuck.

How do we do this? Well, we come unto Christ with our weakness and humbly seek His guidance and seek fro imporvement. We don't beat ourselves to a pulp, or beat others, because of weaknesses they have. We work together and "Keep Moving Forward" to improve. We celebrate success, no matter how small and look at our weaknesses as a chance to gain a new strength. We don't look back at mistakes, other than to learn from them. We stop living in the past and look ahead.

We need to define ourself by our triumphs, not trials. When we do this, we are way happier and just feel so much better about ourselves. Keep writing your story. I know that as you do this, you will find joy, happiness, and optimism even if the world is falling apart around you, because you will know the personal growth you are making.

Rely on your Savior, He is your #1 Fan. He will cheer you on as you turn your life towards Him and strive to improve and live His gospel more fully. There will be great joy when you see Him again, because you will do you did your best, and He made up the rest. I know this to be true.

I love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond

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