Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Smile. You are awesome. Yes you. I may not even know you, but I know you are pretty cool. You are one of a kind in this copy-cat world. You are the you-est you that there will ever be. Your light cannot be replicated. You are beautiful, powerful and amazing. You are different, but that is a blessing not a curse. You have quirks. That's okay. We all do. We are all different.

Difference is something that should be celebrate. As long as we are living the way the Lord desires us to with our differences, then it is okay to embrace them! This world would be so boring if we were all the same. Our quirks, personalities, eccentricities, and point of view are all different. We may be similar to another person, but no two of us are identical. We all struggle and pass through trial. That's okay too. It is part of life as well.

Many wonder why bad things happen to good people. Well, thinkof the greatest person you know, would they be who they are without their trials. I don't think so. Your trials are your refiner's fire. Embrace them and learn as much as you can. No trial is wasted when we learn something. Grow from every little moment. 

This life isn't meant to be wasted. Live up to your potential. God sees who you can become. Do you see it? Do you see what you can do? Whether you think you can make a difference or think you can't do anything, you are right. Much of this life begins with believing you are meant for something bigger. Do you?

There is someone who already believes in you. He believes you can do great things. He believes you can do anything life throws at you. He is Christ, your Savior. He believes in you so much He died for you. How does that make you feel? 

The possible can be made possible if you have the faith. You CAN change. You CAN make a difference, even if it is only in the life of one, it is a difference that CAN be passed

So smile. You are amazing and you can do great and marvelous things if you rely on your Savior, the person who believes you can no matter what.

I love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond

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