Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Power of #

Okay... I'm going to confess something. I quite frankly did not know what the point of this thing called a "hash-tag" was until just a short while ago. I know... Where have I been for the last 13 months? I can answer that... In Mesa, AZ... As a missionary... Where we have no idea what is really going on in the world because we are dedicating our lives to serving and teaching about Christ. Sooooooo I am a little slow on the uptake. On top of that, I enjoy social media, but you have to realize, I just really don't understand why people post 95% of the things they do.

Diverting from the subject for a moment, this last weekend was GENERAL CONFERENCE!!!! YAY!!!! It was fabulous. There was a talk in particular by Elder Marcos A. Aidukaitis of the Seventy. In it, he spoke of the internet. Regarding just surfing the internet, he said, "One should not roam through Garbage."

Okay, back to hash-tags. How can hash-tags help us not to roam through garbage, as Elder Aidukaitis directs?

Okay Okay Okay... Let's think about this. The purpose of a hash-tag is to group posts of similar content together. I think about the different hash-tags I have seen. #ChristLives, #LDSconf, #Restoration... Here's the thing. These aren't utilized to their fullest. Let's do that!

We can change the internet, one hash-tag at a time as we flood the internet with virtue. Yes, it may take some thought. Yes, it may take a bit more effort. Yes, it may be out of your comfort zone. But let's do something worthwhile with this thing. The internet CAN be great, as long as we stay away from the garbage of the world. By this, I am referring to inappropriate and downright vile images, text, and video you can find. This is destructive to the spirit.

Since I've been online as a missionary, it has been so nice to see how my Facebook has gone from something rather dramatic and annoying to something that is flooded with virtue with countless posts about Christ. I challenge you all to flood your news feeds and your friend's news feeds with uplifting and feel-good (aka Spiritual) thoughts. Use images, conference quotes, scriptures, brief, powerful statements. We CAN change the world. Why don't we do it? Let's #HashTagTheGospel. Let's talk about #faith, #repentance, #baptism, #GiftOfTheHolyGhost, and #EnduringToTheEnd. Let's #PlanOfHappiness. Let's #TruthRestored. Let's #YourTestimony.

Stop being timid. Now isn't the time to hide what you believe. Now is the time to #SpeakOutForRighteousness and not let your voice be silenced by the world. The evolving wickedness wants the voice of the righteous to be stopped. So let's not let it. Believe and broadcast. Respect others, but still don't be afraid to #StandAsAWitness.

My challenge and invitation is for you to use these hash-tags and others that you think up to start sharing your testimony, but always add in #ChristLives. Let's see if we can get this trending and start #FloodingTheInternetWithVirtue.

Example Posts for anyone who may be a bit confused:

  • "'There are no endings, only everlasting beginnings.' (Dieter F. Uctdorf) I am so grateful for the #PlanOfHappiness in my life and that #ChristLives to make it possible!"
  • "'Church was amazing today! I am always uplifted by the messages. #ChristLives. Enough said."
  • "Headed to the Easter Pagaent tonight! What a wonderful way to celebrate the Easter season! #ChristLives." 

Do you accept? Do you understand? Comment below to sign up with the challenge and/or ask any questions.

I promise that you will see miracles by using this tool to try to change the world!

I love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond

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