Well, imagine opening your mailbox and finding a letter addressed to you. The return address is from you as well. You are confused and don't remember writing yourself a letter. You open it to find a single piece of paper, perfectly folded. This is what it say:
Dear You,
I'm you. You're me. I'm that voice that is always with you. I'm that voice that will always be with you. You want to get rid of me but you never will. I'm with you forever. Silencing me is impossible. I'm that devil inside of you. The one that will always bring you down, bring you doubt, bring you lower. I love my work. It's horrible, but wonderful. Don't try to argue with me. You know I speak truth. I'll lie to you forever. You know it's true though.
You are ugly.
You have no one.
You will never be accepted.
You will never be happy.
The one you care about... They'd be crazy to look at you.
You aren't worth anyone's time.
No one cares about your tears.
No one cares that you exist.
No one will ever love you.
These lies I speak are the truth. You will forever believe them. You do what I say. You can't expect to think I am being untrue. I'll lie to you forever. I'll lie to you truths.
Try to beat me. I know you can't.
Forever yours,
Your Little Devil
Wow. You can't believe you would write yourself such a horrible note. But how often do you find you saying these things to yourself? We constantly are down talking ourselves and mistaking degrading comments for humility. We think that by making ourselves look bad, we are being humble. When, in reality, all we are doing is denying that we are of divine worth.
Now move your thought to Christ, the most humble person to ever walk the face of the Earth. Did He ever speak poorly of Himself? No. He knew who He was. He knew that He had a purpose. He knew He was the only begotten of the Father. He lived up to His potential. Are you?
Ask yourself this question:
- Are you in any way degrading yourself?
- Do you always think you can't do something?
- Do you believe you will never be good enough?
- Do you think you are alone?

You are a beautiful Child of God
You are never alone.
You are accepted by Christ.
You can find true Joy.
You are worth loving.
You are worth time and effort.
God counts your tears.
Your existence is changing the world around you.
You are eternally loved.
You are accepted by Christ.
You can find true Joy.
You are worth loving.
You are worth time and effort.
God counts your tears.
Your existence is changing the world around you.
You are eternally loved.
Now, doesn't that sound better?
So next time you are in a state where "Your Little Devil" keeps telling you that you aren't worth it, remember that the prints in Christ's hands say otherwise. You are worth more than the world to Him. That is enough to know to carry you through and help others to see that you know who you are and will stand and own that you are a Child of God and you have a Savior who forsook the world so that you can overcome your trials, sins, and all manners of pains to return to live with them again.
So next time you are in a state where "Your Little Devil" keeps telling you that you aren't worth it, remember that the prints in Christ's hands say otherwise. You are worth more than the world to Him. That is enough to know to carry you through and help others to see that you know who you are and will stand and own that you are a Child of God and you have a Savior who forsook the world so that you can overcome your trials, sins, and all manners of pains to return to live with them again.
I know this is true and promise that you can know for yourself through prayer and asking if this is true.
I love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond
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