Do you ever feel inadequate? Do you ever feel like you are not enough? Do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and see nothing but flaws? This is normal. There is so much negativity in the world about the human body and there is a false representation of what is beautiful. Seriously... You really think you're Heavenly Father wants you looking at the body He gave in the mirror and thinking, "If only my eyes were green, then I'd be beautiful." or "If only my neck wasn't so long, then I'd be beautiful." or the worst thing ever, "If only I looked like the girls on the magazine, then I'd be beautiful."
Remember this next time you think bad about your body!!! |
Here's the dealio, everyone. There is a lack of respect for the human body in the world today. I will be quite honest, it is sickening. I am talking to everyone who starves themselves for beauty as well as those who "self-harm" so they can release emotion, to those who work out a lot to get "ripped" or weigh 100 lbs, to those who drink, smoke, use drugs, have pre-marital sex, watch pornography. I am speaking to anyone who abuses the temple that your loving Father in Heaven has given you. Do you think that is what God wants you to do? I don't think so. I don't think He gave you your body to use it for evil and to abuse it. He gave it to you as a vessel by which your spirit could come to the earth. STOP BEATING YOURSELF UP FOR NOT LOOKING LIKE THE WORLD THINKS YOU SHOULD!!! Simple as that. See, there is this guy who decided to rebel against God. His name is Satan and well... long story short, he lost the amazing privilege to come to Earth and receive one of these pretty incredible human bodies we got. Sooooooo... this certain someone is very jealous of our bodies and will do anything to destroy them. That is why we have so many substances and practices that are "cool" (aka actually not very smart and extremely harmful).
Satan lies to us everyday. Stop listening to him. |
Now, you may say to me, "Sister Esmond, but I like doing that stuff! I won't hurt me." False. You are just lying to yourself. Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking, Pre-Marital Sex, Pornography... Yup. All are harmful Stop lying to yourself and realize that they are. It drives me nuts that some believe that these things are okay. It's actually quite disgusting. Think about the diseases, health problems, relationship problems, etc. Nothing but problems for temporary gratification. I know I'm seeming harsh, but these lies that the world tell us only bring us harms. Satan is excited when he sees you destroying your body.
For all of you that harm yourself: Please seek professional help. This isn't good. You think in 10 years you will want to look at your scars and be reminded of the pain you suffered? Suicide and Self-Harm are permanent solutions for temporary problems. I beg of you, please just don't do it.
Portland, OR Temple Isn't it GORGEOUS? YOU ARE TOO!!!! |
Okay, why should you listen? In the New Testament, in 1 Corinthians 6:19, Paul poses a question. He asks, "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?" Think about this statement. Some may ask, what is a temple? Well, the image on the left is the Portland, Oregon LDS Temple. I am partial to it myself... But what a temple is is a House of the Lord. They are built to facilitate the Lord's work her on the Earth. They are places of peace, where you can feel of His spirit always. This is what our bodies are. They are given to us to move forward with God's plan, for us to experience life, but live it within the bounds the Lord has set. If we do this, I know we can find true peace and happiness and we will be able to know that we are Children of a Loving Heavenly Father.
It's a great day to be YOU! |
Well... Now that I have gotten all of this out, I just wanted to say I know that it can be hard. The world wants us to look a certain way, act a certain way, be a certain way... Well, that is all a bunch of lies. You need to turn to your Heavenly Father to help you know who to be really. This is what I have come to realize as I, just many, if not all, or you, have dealt with self esteem issues. I finally realized that every negative thought about the way I look is from Satan. Every negative thought about the fact I work my best to keep my standards high is from Satan. Heavenly Father blesses us to keep ourselves healthy, strong and happy when we follow His commandments. It is worth it. I promise you will see blessings if you live the commandments! Be yourself, laugh, make a fool of yourself, have fun, but remember to live the laws of the Lord, and you will be the happiest you you can ever be!
I love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond
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