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Yes, my friends, I have Writer's Block today. I made up my mind I was going to write the single best blog post I have ever written, one for the ages, one that will go down in history! But........ Looks like my brain has decided to put a stop to the creative juices and make me be well... Stuck.
Many of us feel this way though. Stuck. We feel like we aren't progressing, forwards or backwards. We feel like we can't improve or we are just at a standstill, a plateau. Many times, we become complacent with that feeling of stuck-ness and decide, "You know? Maybe where I am is just fine." On one hand, this is correct. It is "just fine" to stay where you are and stop growing and developing into someone amazing, empowering, influential, stalwart, brave, strong, valiant... It's okay in many people's eyes to just stay "average".
Here is the thing. Average is okay. Average just keeps on keeping on. Average people do average things. But when we strive to be Above Average, man! That is when we can become powerful people.
Much like the cause of my writer's block, many people get stuck by trying to fix everything at once. They want to be better but get discouraged easily and give up. It's like how I have felt as I have attempted to write several different novels. I get these ideas in my head of an incredible story line... in my head. I develop the characters beautifully... in my head. I know how amazing that this book is going to be and it will become a classic! But when I go to write, often times, I don't know where to start, how to fill in the middle, or even what the end is going to be. I lose everything and give up on those characters, never bringing them to life again. We do this to ourselves. We often times have this amazing idea on who we want to become and have a plan on how to get there, but don't know where to start or how to fill in the middle. If we try to become who we want to be immediately, then we are doomed to failure. But if we outline, plan, prepare, study out, and carefully select the traits we want to develop in our character then we are destined to succeed. Planning in life, as in writing, is everything. If we come up with ideas in our heads, then neglect to record or write them down, we usually, like 99% of the time, forget. I can't tell you how many beautiful poems I've thought of that have slipped away from me because I haven't written them down immediately. It doesn't even come close to the number of times I've learned something, and then had to relearn it because I forgot it. Or that mistake you have made 100 times because for some reason it "just happens" and it is "who we are".
Ether 12:27 states:
And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.
Think about that: All your weaknesses can be made strong. Your average person can be made into an above average individual. You are ordinary, but with Christ, you can be extraordinary! Your weaknesses, those mistakes you made, can be made strong. You can pull yourself out of the stuck-ness you may be in. You can overcome self-doubt, fear, discouragement, all negative feelings and become someone that you want to become. You can actually become someone incredible, amazing, stellar, world-changing, memorable for the good you do. YOU CAN DO THAT. How amazing does that sound? Through you, many can feel of God's love for them.
Much like a writer with writer's block, you can't give up on your dream. Don't give up on becoming the person that Heavenly Father wants you to become. You have to put then pen to the paper, your keys to the keyboard, and write your heart out! You have to live every day and live for the eternities. Live so that you can grow. Turn your weaknesses over to your Heavenly Father today, and slowly but surely, you will become more like your Savior.
Remember that any feeling of stuck-ness can be overcome when you rely on the Savior.
I love you all!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond
P.S. Hey! Writer's Block is gone :) Yay!!
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