Saturday, October 26, 2013

Family: The Unit That's Holds This World Together!

There seems to be a theme right now in the world that the family unit is not as important. That the roles of Mothers and Fathers are interchangeable and not really necessary for the development of children. So I feel the need to address this issue!

My family includes my dad, my mom, me, my little sister and little brother. We were raised by a stay at home mom who didn't work outside the home until my brother was in 1st grade. My dad has worked and worked, but always has time for us. No, we didn't live a glamorous life, but all us children were given the opportunity to develop our talents and had the support of our parents along the way. I'm so grateful for this! It is so important to have a mom and dad. Why? There are things I learned from each of them that have meant a lot to me, especially now that I am away from home.

My dad taught me what work ethic means. He is the hardest worker I know. He taught me how to shoot a basketball, which I'm really grateful for. That times he spent coaching me when I was little means the world to me! My dad explained to me how to do car maintenance. He taught me how to throw a baseball. Most importantly, he taught by example how a man should treat a woman by the way he treats my mom. That has been something that I will always be so grateful to have had. My parents have been married for almost 21 years and their relationship isn't perfect, but it is one of love and understanding and patience. This is something I want in my future marriage.

My mom taught me to always "Remember who you are and make good choices!" This phrase was always so embarrassing when she would say it in front of my friends, but now, I'm grateful she did. She instilled in me a knowledge that I am a daughter of God and that I can turn to Him no matter what. She showed me how to fulfill callings to the best of my abilities. And, I think the best example she set was that she served a mission. My mom served in the South Korea Seoul mission.  She loves her mission. I love that! It was an example to me growing up that having the desire to serve a mission as okay. I'm so happy because now I'm happier than I've ever been because I'm on the Lord's errand. That is because my mom made sure I was encouraged in my desire to serve.

Not only that, but my siblings have influenced me a lot.

My sister has the best sense of humor and always can make a negative into a positive with a good laugh. I really appreciate this! It's so nice to know all I needed back home to get a good laugh was spend a little time with my sister. I loved it! Plus, she's not afraid to stand up for what she knows is right. It's awesome.

My little brother is such an example of obedience. Not even joking. He is the most obedient person I've ever met. He knows the rules and follows them. He listens and takes direction really well and I've realized I needed to be more like him in that way.

This is my family in a nutshell! We are a bit crazy, but awesome. I'm so grateful for all they have taught me and know I wouldn't be where I am without them.

Family is so important. Our families influence our lives. Not only that, but when a family is sealed for time and all eternity, it takes on a different meaning. I'm so grateful my parents were married for time and all eternity in the Los Angeles Temple almost 21 years ago. This unit is amazing to be part of and I'm excited for the opportunity to enter the Temple in the future with my sweetheart and make the same promises.

Remember that your family is essential and the most successful families are raised and centered on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Let's do this and take the chaotic world and make it better one family at a time.

I Love You All!

Sister Mackenzie Esmond

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