If there is one thing I have learned in the last 11 months of my life, it is how much that Heavenly Father knows and loves us. This simple knowledge is something that I want to share with everyone. Mormon, Catholic, Protestant, Jew, anyone who will listen. God loves you. You are His child.
There is something so pure and simple, but so comforting in this knowledge. He wants us to be happy. He wants us to find success. This success may not be worldly success, like a lot of money or a big house or fancy car, but spiritual success. I have seen that those that seek out the success that is not of this world are just happier. Those that understand not just who they are, but "whose they are" (Elaine S. Dalton) come to have more joy, peace an happiness. This all starts when we let go of our pride and start living by faith.
Faith is a concept that is simple. It can been simply understood through a verse in the Book of Mormon, in the book of Alma, chapter 32 verse 21 which states, " And now as I said concerning faith—faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true." Faith is not a perfect knowledge. Faith isn't just something we have, but something we act upon. This faith in Jesus Christ helps us to feel the love that our Father in Heaven has for each and everyone of us.
Faith is something that to develop takes work. We don't just wake up one morning and say "Hey! I have faith!" We must read our scriptures, say our prayers, go to church and act with real intent to know that our Savior is there. This real intent means that before asking, we already must have our mind made up to act upon whatever answer we receive.
Now, many of you probably have asked questions in prayer. You probably have wondered if God is even listening to you. I promise you He is. I promise you He is wanting to hear from you. Sometimes they way we ask our questions to our Father in Heaven makes all the difference. I have come to know on my mission that when we ask simple yes or no questions, it makes all the difference.
When we have this belief, our life has more purpose. We have more drive to do good. Most of all, we know we are not alone. We never stand alone when we have Faith in Jesus Christ. Remember a simple phrase from a classic Christmas movie when you are wondering about faith: "Seeing isn't believing, believing is seeing."
As we seek out this faith, we really can know that we are never without love, comfort and companionship of our Savior and our Father in Heaven.
As we seek out this faith, we really can know that we are never without love, comfort and companionship of our Savior and our Father in Heaven.
I love you all and know He does too :)
Sister Mackenzie Esmond