It really all started when I began to pray about what school to go to. I prayed and prayed and thought I received my answer when I received a scholarship to Utah State University (Go Aggies!). I was very excited to attend and that was what I told people my plans were. I was going to USU and that was that. I didn't have a back up plan or anything.
Next, though, that application process took FOREVER!!!! And I mean a long time... It took me almost 3 months to get my acceptance and another 2 to get my track assignment. Yet again, my plans were up in the air.
On October 6th, 2012, I came home from my 3rd graveyard shift in a row at Jack-in-the-Box. I was dead beat and fell fast asleep on the couch. My phone, for some reason, was on full volume and sitting right next to me ear. I got two text messages and woke up to my phone going off. My thought was, "Who in the world is texting me and why?!" Well, one text said, "Are you watching General conference?" The other said, "I CAN GO ON A MISSION IN 10 MONTHS!" Needless to say, I was extremely confused. Not even joking, so lost. Anyways, I texted both people back and asked them what was going on. One told me to watch President Monson's talk from about 30 minutes earlier. In this talk, he announced that the mission age was changed. Sisters could now serve at 19. I felt the spirit so strongly, more than I ever have, tell me that is what I needed to do. I felt urgent about it. So I had my mission papers a few days later, and departed to serve here in the Arizona Mesa Mission February 27th, 2013. (It's almost been a year. Where has the time gone?!)

Now, was a mission in my plans? Yes. But not until I was 21 years old. Nothing has ever felt so right though. This has been the best decision I have ever made. It may not have been my plan, but it was God's plan for me.
God has plans for us that may not be what we planned, but they may be what we need. He has a way of redirecting us to the way He wants us to be. This is if we let Him into our lives. I am grateful I let Him have control of our plans. It's quite wonderful the situations we can get ourselves into if we do. We will learn more, grow more, and yes, progress more. When we let God control our life, our progress will become more.

With the New Year coming, make a resolution to invite God into you life more, to let Him be a major part of your planning. Most of all, trust that when something you plan doesn't work out, you are being put in a position for something amazing.
I love you all! Next time I write it will be in Mesa!
Sister Mackenzie Esmond